Thursday, November 25, 2010

frog tongue work-back schedule

frog tongue work-back schedule
This project is due on Friday, December 10th, 2010.
That leaves us 18 days to get this done. No small task.

Time line:

Weeks 10/11
November 19-26
Strategize Options
Develop a short script outlining the narrative or storyline
Design a style frame showcasing the aesthetic and formal elements of
the commercial

Tuesday, November 23 - CONCEPT DEFINITION:
Decided to expand upon Solveigs existing framewrok, as she had a ‘problem’,
and it was a challenging option to find a ‘solution’, rather than just explore another
group members existing product.
We came up with a product, “cogs”, interchangeable tokens that are chosen by
children, and fit together to make a chain that showcases what is important to remember
and think about in that child’s unique and changing world.
Our team came up with the name “frog tongue” for our design studio, and chose
the tag-line, “ideas that stick”. This name came to fruition after brainstorming for
objects in nature that are sticky, which reflected a team members original 2nd
design project concept.
We decided that we would like to make the 3d product (the cogs), as well as a
tree-like structure that would showcase the cogs, small crocheted “cocoons” for
holding the cogs, packaging for the cogs, and a commercial sequence to introduce
the cogs to the public. We feel that, with all of our skills combined, we are
ready to take on all aspects of this challenge.
Another aspect of our project is the idea that for each cog purchased, a donation
would be made to a different organization, such as:
UN, Covenant House, SPCA, Children’s Wish, Food Bank, Block Watch, Children’s
Hospital, SOS, Send a Child to Camp...

Breakdown of work for Tuesday 23- Friday 26:
Bree: (storyboarding - initial to final - concept development [logo,colour,etc],
housekeeping/documentation, expressive type and sound)
explore colours for cogs
logo ideas for frog tongue
narrative and storyboard concepts
work-back schedule
short write-up/style frame for showing on Friday
Solveig: (Art direction, 3D generation, storyboard 2nd phase to final)
3D generation ideas in clay, or other forms
Look into final 3D object material (plastic/foam/wood/sculpy modelling clay?)
Narrative for commercial
Decide on organizations for $ from cogs
Ashley: (logo, packaging, display, final movie editor)
cog logo development
packaging concepts evolved
tree structure ideas (material, dimensions) - papier mache?
Peter: (art director, 3D)
3D evolution of cogs - meet with Solveig on Thursday?
Final animation editing with Ashley

Breakdown of work for weekend of November 27/28:
Bree and Solveig:
work out storyline/script, as well as research story-telling methods.
Do we want to persuade, advocate, educate or entertain?
Ashley: Have a firm idea on where packaging is going, costs involved, paper to be used,
development of Point-of-sale tree.
What are the challenges, what do you need from the group?
design conecpts for 3D objects to be shown on Tuesday to group
have researched the materials, costs involved, time it will take to produce.

******* Please have items/info for Tuesday morning so that we can move forward as a group
and make decisions that require the team input***************************************************

Breakdown of work for Tuesday 30 - December 3:
Meet on Monday/Tuesday morining with concepts ready to go to final.
Use this week to get everything DONE, there is only ONE WEEK LEFT AT THIS POINT.
Ask for help if needed. WE ARE A TEAM.
Bree: Have storyboard done for Monday morning so that it can be refined and put into 2nd
step of process, the digital work in Illustrator to convert to vector graphics.
photocopy work for Solveig, and split-up what needs to get done.
have an idea of song for commercial
Solveig: Start work on vector graphics - a lot of work to do
refine and produce 3D objects
have an idea for song for commercial
Ashley: finish packaging, display, etc. - await vectors for flash animation
have an idea for song for commercial
Peter: start and finish 3D - await vectors, oversee continuity
have an idea for song for commercial
Weekend of 4th/5th
This weekend needs to be used for finishing project. All vectors must be given to
Ashley/Peter, and rough draft must be done for Sunday/Monday of movie for refinement
and addition of sound.
2D’s and 3D’s done.

Tuesday December 7th - work together on display, work out what we will say when we show
our project, define roles, go over COMPLETED commercial, work on sound for commercial.
FRIDAY DECEMBER 10th - CRITIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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