Tuesday, November 30, 2010

cogs - tonights trials


Still find the sculpey to be very "crafty" and not as refined as I would've liked us to move... Have based shapes on discussions with Peter today and earlier ideas brought forth. I think the display idea has potential to elevate the pieces, but I am not sold as to how powerful they stand on their own. We could look into lost wax casting and use these as prototypes to make a casting mold to then make them in aluminum + spray them with various colours. It will be costly though. Other option is to make two-part casting molds and make them in silicone. Making the casting mold is a full days process. We'll talk about this tomorrow Peter when we look at the cnc idea. Any suggestions/thoughts? Have more baking. Will bring them all tomorrow. S

1 comment:

  1. love the silicone idea, just because I love how it feels... though I like this new direction we are taking after today's meeting.
