Tuesday, November 30, 2010

cogs - tonights trials


Still find the sculpey to be very "crafty" and not as refined as I would've liked us to move... Have based shapes on discussions with Peter today and earlier ideas brought forth. I think the display idea has potential to elevate the pieces, but I am not sold as to how powerful they stand on their own. We could look into lost wax casting and use these as prototypes to make a casting mold to then make them in aluminum + spray them with various colours. It will be costly though. Other option is to make two-part casting molds and make them in silicone. Making the casting mold is a full days process. We'll talk about this tomorrow Peter when we look at the cnc idea. Any suggestions/thoughts? Have more baking. Will bring them all tomorrow. S

cogs early exploration

Peter, is this what you were thinking?

Label for the hanging cogs

First Summary for 3D and Display

New ideas for interlocking.
(Instead of using button) We now have a Secondary Body that is in a similar shape as the COG.

Colours were selected to go with the area or COGs.

Showing the functionality of the COGs on the Tree Display.

Display Stage Diagram
showing our result from the study of children acceptability and parents' teaching process.

On another note.
If the COG logo pattern is going on the packeting design, I personally think they would work better this way then the linear one we had before.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Storyboard (Part 2)

They are also sent out in emails. (SHOT_THREE TO SHOT_FOUR)


okay so I've tried two different versions of the nets - one made of shoelace and one made of bicycle inner tube. They look pretty cool though I've lent out the camera today so I cannot take a photo. I've scanned them here. They are quite loosely woven but both sides get scanned so you don't get the effect. The rubber one is very masculine ( looks like an advanced slingshot device). They are both the size of an ice cream cone/ pocket. I'll bring them tomorrow. Sorry - the scans really don't do them much justice. I am going to try some colored ones tonight.

The buttons are not looking good so I was thinking we make our own button system - call them connectors - that are more similar to the cogs in visual language. Can we all put some thoughts to how that could look/work as an alternative? Will bring the buttons tomorrow to show.

Final Storyboard (Part 1)

They are also sent out in emails. (SHOT_ZORE TO SHOT_TWO)

Tree Display

Adding to Solveig's Tree Display, I think we have to focus on children acceptability, making the childfeels like they are the special ones; not the parents, the kids get to pick! Looking at the height dates, making multiple trees and turning the tree up-side-down can be possiblesolutions i explored.

Also, I think picking experience should be a teaching opportunity too, as illustrated how there can be more information of the organizations at parents' eye-level, so that teaching can be done in the
process at the same time.

I had also added to the interlocking display idea too. (like how the button works.)

packaging ideas

here are a few packaging ideas that I thought we could explore, if we wanted the cogs to come in a package...

plankton inspirations


planktons that connect like our project

planktons together



found this - thought is was a nice way to make/work with/categorize boxes - shapes are inspired by crystals?! Could be useful or inspiring and could not?...

Art Project—Crystal Models
  • Enlarged shapes (on a standard Xerox machine, enlarging to 142% four times gives a good size for first graders to handle)
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • String
Using enlargements of the patterns below, students will fold carefully on the dotted lines and glue the models together. These can be made from different colors of paper, or children can color and decorate the sides before they glue them. Glitter adds glitz to these models and makes them sparkle like true crystals. By using the correct names for each crystal model, children will become more familiar with correct terminology. These can be hung or made into mobiles by poking a small hole through them with a needle with string attached.

Plankton shape Inspirations

LOVE plankton shapes - maybe there are some that could work well as cogs?
Check out these stunning examples:


Shapes continued

Cog shape research

Hello all,
I would like to incorporate some shapes into our cogs that give them extra meaning and value to the child who chooses them.
This is an example of what I am thinking of, please comment!

Cog point-of-sale

Here is an idea for the cogs when they are hanging for purchase in the store environment. Please add your comments/suggestions for me so I can continue to refine this idea.

Biomimicry inspiration for interlocking mechanisms

proboscis on the butterfly forms a flexible, sealed cylinder
- could be a way to "snap" the cogs on to th string/chain
- caterpillar-butterfly connection!
http://library.thinkquest.org/C002251/cgi-bin/default.cgi?language=english&chapter=3&section=2&mode=chapter&outputmode=0&navmenu=0&javascript=0(image 1 source)
http://www.bumblebee.org/invertebrates/Lepidoptera.htm (image 2 source)

 cross section of a proboscis
When it is not used, the proboscis is rolled up. To suck nectar the butterfly straightens it with the help of muscles. To roll it up, no muscles are needed.

Makes me think of party blowers....


feather filaments
http://www.asknature.org/strategy/c2f8abc558cb3adef7df08b5eb2b4846  Barbules of the feathers of the sacred dove

interlocking mechanisms

interlocking square shapes
interlocking cogs
interlocking shapes


ideas for display

love this lego display - have in idea for something similar with cardboard tubes. Will sketch it up. S