Thursday, December 2, 2010

Video - Version 1

We'll be doing revisions tomorrow. At least for tomorrow we'll have it all mocked up.



  1. This is a great version one for us to work off tomorrow. I will prepare a document tonight to organize all the inputs, suggestions etc tomorrow so that we have a checklist , a prioritization and categorization of the elements we want to alter, add or edit. Peter and I are planning to finish here in the wood workshop by 8 tonight. We are all set to start making the mold tomorrow in class time and vacuum press after lunch. It is a days work to make the shape of the board and we'll drill holes and thread cord either this week-end or Monday.
    Another day of great work by the Frogtongue clan!

  2. Ashley,
    I think this looks awesome so far, I am so excited for our final product, and can't wait to add sound!

  3. I agree -- we can make a giant list of things to change, and then finalize it so that next week we can focus other important aspects of the project -- how are we going to set up our display, look feel etc :)

    see you tomorrow morning!
